CalApprenticeships | union apprenticeship is an excellent career choice if you like to work with your hands; are willing to serve an apprenticeship for up to five years, depending on the trade you select.
California Climate Corps | In California, climate change is a growing threat to systems and people across the state. The impacts to our environment and health are worsening as we experience longer and more frequent droughts, devastating wildfires, and more. Each of us has a role to play. You can take meaningful action today to help communities across our state. | Civilian Corp Opportunities
California Student Aide Commission | has continued to operate as the principal state agency responsible for administering financial aid programs for students attending public and private universities, colleges, and vocational schools in California.
Campaign for College Opportunity | is to ensure that the next generation of California students has the chance to attend college and succeed in order to keep our workforce strong.
CIEE: Council on International Educational Exchange | Creating and administering programs that allow U.S. college and university students and educators to study and teach abroad, and international students and professionals to study and work in the U.S.
Communities for a Better Environment | Building community power to achieve environmental justice takes shared strategies and resources. Creating alliances to build a strong movement is our core strategy.
CSUMentor | is a website designed to help students and their families learn about the California State University (CSU) system. The CSU is comprised of 23 excellent campuses.
Families in Schools | involve parents and communities in their children’s education to achieve lifelong student success.Families In Schools envisions a public education system where students have all the opportunities and resources necessary to succeed in school and in life.
Foundation for Second Chances, Inc | offers hands-on education, mentoring, health awareness and community service to maximize the potential of youth including a quality education, nutritious food and exercise, and a safe and nurturing environment.
Green Job Corps California Volunteers | brings together a statewide network of local volunteer connector agencies and online volunteer connector tools to provide support and help recruit volunteers for our state’s nonprofits and public agencies.
L.A. Youth at Work | is respected by over 150 companies, who appreciate the quality of our candidates. Preparing yourself by earning the Certificate reduces your stress and leads to success with a job or paid internship, so get started now.
Outward Bound Adventures | provide meaningful nature-based education that promotes positive self-development, environmental responsibility, and outdoor career exposure for urban youth.
PlatteForum | We are an award-winning urban art and activism laboratory – where established artists work side by side with young artists to create a body of work that is reflective of a global voice. Using the Arts as a Bridge PlatteForum connects youth and artists with the resources needed to reach their full potential while addressing social issues that are of utmost importance to them and their communities.
Urban Corps – San Diego, California | Urban Corps of San Diego County is a certified local conservation corps and charter school whose mission is to provide young adults with the tools to expand their career opportunities through education, life skills training, and paid work experience on projects that benefit our communities. | Civilian Corp Opportunities
Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms | WWOOF-USA is an organization that facilitates volunteering on organic farms. The program is available to anyone 18 years of age or older. It doesn’t matter whether you’re an urbanite, professional, student, family, farmers, gardener, or someone who has never touched soil; you’re all welcome. WWOOF-USA publishes a directory of farms engaged in sustainable agriculture practices (hosts) that would like to welcome volunteers to participate in an educational and cultural exchange.
Yellowstone National Park | Yellowstone National Park is the perfect place to do what you’re wanting to do – escape, make new friends, learn new skills or help teach some that you already know, run away from home or learn more responsibility for a better future.
Youth Rangers Service Project Member - Golden Gate National Recreation Area | American Conservation Experience, a nonprofit Conservation Corps, in partnership with Golden Gate National Recreation Area, is seeking ONE Youth Ranger Service Project Member to support volunteer service projects and environmental education programs for the YMCA Y-Rangers summer camp program in 2024. This excellent opportunity is ideal for an enthusiastic young professional who is deeply committed to stewardship and preservation of our national parks and engaging youth in their stewardship.