Backdoor Jobs | Short-term job opportunities around the world, acquire new skills through a combination of structured and practical training under the guidance of mentors.
L.A. Youth at Work | is respected by over 150 companies, who appreciate the quality of our candidates. Preparing yourself by earning the Certificate reduces your stress and leads to success with a job or paid internship, so get started now.
Occupation Finder | Occupational Outlook Handbook is a resource of the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United States Department of Labor and provides information on what workers do; the work environment; education, training, and other qualifications. Very useful tool.
One Summer Chicago | One Summer Chicago brings together government institutions,community-based organizations and companies to offeremployment and internship opportunitiesto youth and young adults ages 14 to 24
Teens for Hire | If you are a teen 14 to 19 looking for a full-time, part-time, summer, seasonal, volunteer or vocational job, Join Now and create your membership profile.
U.S. PIRG | Get a chance to work side by side with one of our lead CALPIRG staff, focusing on real problems that affect people in their daily lives. We are currently hiring undergraduate, graduate and JD interns on a rolling basis to work with us on our various campaigns.
Volunteer Transportation Network | A volunteer service that connects volunteer drivers with veterans who seek services from the VA. The Volunteer Transportation Network is a volunteer service that serves our nations veterans.
World Teach | Volunteers teach in developing countries; mostly English but sometimes math, science, computer skills or HIV/AIDS awareness. For year-long programs volunteers much have a bachelor’s degree. Summer program volunteers do not need to have a college degree but must be at least 18 years of age. World Teach programs are open to native speakers of English; volunteers do not need to be US citizens.
YouthBuild- | affiliated high school diploma program incorporating hands-on job training for youth ages 17 to 21. The Employment & Training Center provides job training, counseling, and placement services to empower job seekers to obtain new skills and career opportunities, and help businesses meet workforce demands with talented employees.
Zip Recruiter | is the only national level job search site, also offering android friendly app, that specifically addresses finding jobs for high school students. (NEW)