PROFESSIONAL INTERN TRAINING PROGRAM: PSYCHOLOGICAL & COUNSELING SERVICES FOR HIV AND LGBT POPULATIONS | Touted by several state and federal agencies as a national model for leveraging limited resources and providing both beginning and advanced levels of training to service providers, The Center’s Intern Training Program has existed since 1987. The training environment provides direct benefits for both consumers and the larger health services community. The utilization of advanced level interns maximizes cost-effectiveness and increases the amount of services we are able to provide. The continual exposure to recent theory and research, as well as the optimism and dedication of new staff, elevate service delivery standards beyond that which many other community-based agencies can reasonably expect. Further, The Center provides important training in LGBT and HIV/AIDS service delivery to new social workers, psychologists and counselors, expanding their professional awareness of the needs of these consumers and increasing the number of trained professionals available to meet those needs.
Last revised on September 16, 2023


The College Guide for LGBTQ Students | LGBTQ students face a unique set of challenges in college. This guide is focused on helping those students face those challenges and providing them with the resources to do so.
Last revised on April 10, 2022