Students with Disabilities | Index
College & Career Guide for Students with Disabilities | College students with disabilities have rights that allow for specific accommodations to help them succeed in school. Learn about legal protections, scholarships, technologies, and other assistance available to students with disabilities.
Federal Financial Aid for Students with Intellectual Disabilities | “Think College Insight Brief #45 discusses how students with intellectual disabilities can utilize federal financial aid to help pay for college. This publication was originally released in 2012 as Insight Brief #16; it was updated to reflect current legislation and policy related to federal financial aid for students with intellectual disabilities.”
Directory of Comprehensive Transition and Postsecundary Programs (CTP) | Programs specifically for students with intellectual disabilities, even if those students do not have a standard high school diploma or are otherwise enrolled in another higher education course.
Job Posting section of the American Printing House for the Blind Career Connect website. | This directory is for people who are blind or visually impaired. Other sections of the website give additional resources and tips on searching for and finding jobs for blind and visual impaired people.
“Transition Resource Guide for Students with Disabilities” by the Big Bend Transition Council | A comprehensive guide of resources and ideas for students with disabilities as they’re getting prepared to leave high school. Even though it’s based in Florida, a lot of the listed resources include national opportunities.
“Transition is the movement of a student from school to post-school activities in training, education, employment and independent living. Transition for students with disabilities is the process of getting ready to move from school to adult life. “
Vocational Rehabilitation page on the State of Oregon | “Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) assists individuals with disabilities to get and keep a job that matches their skills, interests and abilities. VR staff work in partnership with the community and businesses to provide services that are individualized to help each eligible person receive services that are essential to their employment success.”