Through Climate Corps, we simultaneously help organizations address climate and sustainability projects and cultivate the next generation of environmental leaders.
Climate Corps
Launch Your Climate Career As a Fellow, you will gain real-world expertise in sustainability project creation and implementation, while receiving professional training and financial support.
Youth Rangers Service Project Member – Golden Gate National Recreation Area
American Conservation Experience, a nonprofit Conservation Corps, in partnership with Golden Gate National Recreation Area, is seeking ONE Youth Ranger Service Project Member to support volunteer service projects and environmental education programs for the YMCA Y-Rangers summer camp program in 2024. This excellent opportunity is ideal for an enthusiastic young professional who is deeply committed to […]
Touted by several state and federal agencies as a national model for leveraging limited resources and providing both beginning and advanced levels of training to service providers, The Center’s Intern Training Program has existed since 1987. The training environment provides direct benefits for both consumers and the larger health services community. The utilization of advanced […]
Florida Park Rangers
There are 175 Florida state parks, trails and historic sites encompassing nearly 800,000 acres of our state’s lands. Locations range from Pensacola to Jacksonville and south to Naples and Key West, meaning that no matter where you live, you’re within an hour of a state park. Our parks are as diverse as the people who […]
Virginia State Parks
Virginia State Parks strives to provide employment opportunities that encourage and enable people to enjoy, protect and restore Virginia’s natural and cultural treasures. We invite you to join the team at one of Virginia’s 41 spectacular state parks. Utilize your historical, educational, organizational, communication or customer service skills while connecting with your love for nature […]
We are an award-winning urban art and activism laboratory – where established artists work side by side with young artists to create a body of work that is reflective of a global voice. Using the Arts as a Bridge PlatteForum connects youth and artists with the resources needed to reach their full potential while addressing […]
Ancestral Lands Conservation Corps (ALCC) offers a wide range of exciting crew and intern opportunities from our five office locations. While working at ALCC, you will experience highs, lows, triumphs, challenges, and everything else in between. Our crews and Individual Placement interns work together on various projects and through this experience, becoming part of the […]
The Opportunity Atlas
Atlas of opportunities, is a platform that provides statistical data with geographic maps that allows to identify information regarding mobility, economy, social capital, migration, demography, education, etc. in order to analyze more precisely the opportunities that the population has in a certain state.
Bureau of Land Management Pathways Program
The BLM offers career opportunities for students and recent graduates through the BLM Pathways Program and work crew or intern positions through partnerships with a wide range of organizations, including schools, youth corps, non-profit educational, and scientific organizations. Some interns volunteer, while others earn a wage or living allowance. Some earn college credit or tuition […]
The Classroom
is a go-to resource for honest and accurate content about college. If you’re in high school, we help you prepare for applying and getting into the college of your choice. If you’re a college undergraduate, we’re here to give you the scoop on succeeding in your classes, as well as in your personal life. We […]
As a FoodCorps service member, you’ll teach kids to grow, cook, and love the nourishing foods that celebrate their cultures and communities—and help schools serve more of those foods, too. FoodCorps recruits talented leaders into full-time, paid public service, where they grow healthy school food environments in diverse communities through hands-on, experiential food education. Service […]
BBF Family Services
The mission of the BBF Family Services (BBF is to improve the quality of life for North Lawndale youth and their families by providing safe, stable, and nurturing experiences that enhance their emotional, social, academic, and career development.
Hyde School Postgraduate Year
Along with traditional educational offerings such as academics, athletics, and the arts, Hyde School provides students with experiences that will guide, shape, and transform the way they view themselves and their families. Since its founding, Hyde School has been centered on the premise that character, attitude and effort will lead to academic excellence, significant achievement […]
Medical School Scholarship Program, Latin American School of Medicine in Havana, Cuba
Medical training in Cuba. The courses are taught in Spanish. Six year program including one year rotating internship. Requirements: under 30 years old, us citizen, proficiency in college level science, one year biology, one year inorganic chemistry with lab, one year organic chemistry with lab, one year physics. Persons of color and/or low income are […]
Schuler Scholar Program (Americorps)
The Schuler Scholar Program, through enrichment and academic programs, guidance, and scholarships, prepares high potential students to succeed at selective colleges. We believe that if high potential but vulnerable students have access to academic and enrichment programs while in high school, are well informed of college options, receive support from family, friends, teachers and mentors, […]
Worsham College of Mortuary Science
Careers in the funeral services industry are challenging. Finding success requires a variety of proven skills and industry knowledge. At Worsham, they train their students with all the hard skills and industry knowledge necessary to be successful in funeral service. During your year, you will learn: – Certification of crematory operations of CANA– National Funeral […]
Chicago Actors Studio
Provide workshops and 1 on 1 training for stage and film acting. This well-known accredited and acclaimed training program is second to none, incorporating all the necessary skills that an actor must acquire to achieve & ensure a successful career. This includes skills such as scene study, character development, script analysis, voice & diction, monologues, […]
Chicago School of Violin Making
The program’s focus is on construction of instruments in the violin family. A minimum of seven instruments are built in the three years; of these, three must be violins and one must be a viola. The remaining three instruments are the student’s choice, with instructor approval. The building of a cello is optional. Previous playing […]
Hebron Academy Postgraduate Year
Hebron has been an inclusive and caring educational community that values individuality and respects differences. Students are taught the liberal arts and sciences and educated to revere life and respect and honor individuality.
Provides scholarships to low-income Chicago students to attend private high schools. The chance to attend a private (and academically better) high school greatly improves the student’s chances of getting into college and being prepared for college. HighSight provides scholarships, tutoring, mentoring, leadership development and college readiness programs to enable its students to attend and succeed […]
Seamester offers a range of unique educational adventures where our students live full-time aboard either S/Y Ocean Star or S/Y Argo sailing from country to country. The shipboard educational programs are highly experiential and college-level accredited.
Semester at Sea
Do more, learn more, and go farther with Semester at Sea. Experience 7 – 12 countries in one global semester with transferable credit from the University of Virginia. Build global skills with preparation that stands out like nothing else on your resume.
Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms
WWOOF-USA is an organization that facilitates volunteering on organic farms. The program is available to anyone 18 years of age or older. It doesn’t matter whether you’re an urbanite, professional, student, family, farmers, gardener, or someone who has never touched soil; you’re all welcome. WWOOF-USA publishes a directory of farms engaged in sustainable agriculture practices […]
Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone National Park is the perfect place to do what you’re wanting to do – escape, make new friends, learn new skills or help teach some that you already know, run away from home or learn more responsibility for a better future.
American Conservation Experience
The American Conservation Experience is a nonprofit conservation corps offering opportunities for eco-minded American and international volunteers who want to make a meaningful difference in the world.
Green Corps Chicago
“We offer horticultural instruction, plant materials and technical assistance to organizations who garden in a public space – including schools, faith institutions, libraries, public housing communities and block clubs. We also provide a green jobs training program for qualified individuals.”
Illinois Solar Energy Association
The Illinois Solar Energy Association is a non-profit organization that promotes the widespread application of renewable energy through education and advocacy. As the Illinois chapter of the American Solar Energy Society, we are the local resource for educational classes, events, renewable energy related policy developments, local news and access to local renewable energy vendors.
Outward Bound
Provide outdoor oriented courses for youth and “at-risk” youth and families.
Wilderness Inquiry
This organization is dedicated to sharing the outdoors with others by offering an extensive list of canoe, kayak, hiking, horsepack, and dogsled trips throughout North America. Each year there are 250 events that serve 9000 people! Hosts a variety of nationwide programs that include seasonal jobs, internships, and volunteering. They also offer training courses throughout […]
Youth For Understanding USA
Youth for Understanding (YFU) is a non-profit international educational organization with programs in 64 countries. YFU is an exchange program. Young people that are accepted into the program are placed with a host family in another country.
United Planet
Short and long term volunteer programs all over the world – about 40 different countries. Over the past decade, United Planet has brought together thousands of people all over the world in the effort to build cross-cultural understanding and provide vital services to communities in need. Our guiding principle is that relationships are the building […]
VIP Backpackers
VIP Backpackers is an independent backpacker accommodation network with over 1,200 hotels across 80+ countries. The goal is to network all these resources so that members can enjoy discounts as well as get referrals for quality organizations.
Where There Be Dragons
Learning adventures in the developing world. Since 1993, WTBD has pioneered unparalleled small-group learning adventures in Asia, Latin America and Africa. Through off-the-beaten-path travel, home-stays, language study, serve and remote wilderness exploration, Dragons provides an honest and authentic survey of culture, landscape and development issues in the world’s most intriguing locales.
Greenheart Travel
Offers volunteer and job opportunities abroad for bilingual and English speaking students. Gain authentic cultural experiences with volunteer opportunities ranging from conservation, community development, and education.
The Road Less Traveled
The Road Less Traveled leads trips abroad to strengthen leadership skills, language skills and outdoor skills; as well as partake in service learning and cultural emersion. There are also internships available to those that fit the qualifications. In order to qualify, one must take a Wilderness First Responder course. However, if students choose to take […]
The Elephant Sanctuary
The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee, founded in 1995, is the nation’s largest natural-habitat refuge developed specifically for endangered elephants. It operates on 2,700 acres in Tennessee – 85 miles southwest of Nashville. Accepts applications for six-week internships. The intern positions are not paid positions. However, housing is provided. Particularly applicable for students considering a future […]
Farther Foundation
Provides scholarships for travel opportunities for low-income Chicago area HS students on the basis that travel can be a life-changing learning experience.
Global Routes
Global Routes is a pioneer in the world of value-driven, experiential-based, international programming. Since 1986 they have partnered with over 10,000 volunteers throughout Bali, Belize, Bolivia, Cambodia, China, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Ghana, Guadeloupe, India, Kenya, Mexico, Nepal, Peru, St. Lucia, Tanzania, Thailand, Tibet, US, Vietnam and Zimbabwe. They have high school summers, […]
Volunteer Transportation Network
A volunteer service that connects volunteer drivers with veterans who seek services from the VA. The Volunteer Transportation Network is a volunteer service that serves our nations veterans.
World Teach
Volunteers teach in developing countries; mostly English but sometimes math, science, computer skills or HIV/AIDS awareness. For year-long programs volunteers much have a bachelor’s degree. Summer program volunteers do not need to have a college degree but must be at least 18 years of age. World Teach programs are open to native speakers of English; […]
One Summer Chicago
One Summer Chicago brings together government institutions,community-based organizations and companies to offeremployment and internship opportunitiesto youth and young adults ages 14 to 24
Backdoor Jobs
Short-term job opportunities around the world, acquire new skills through a combination of structured and practical training under the guidance of mentors.
Prevention Force Family Center, Inc.
PFFC’s mission is to create an environment where individuals are self-sufficient, responsible and productive residents of the community. Their primary goal is to provide the necessary programs and services that help low-income individuals and families become self-sufficient.
After School Matters
Offers teens innovative out-of-school activities. Partnered with the City of Chicago, CPS, Chicago Public Library and Chicago Park District. Variety of activities that all help develop job skills.
CIEE: Council on International Educational Exchange
Creating and administering programs that allow U.S. college and university students and educators to study and teach abroad, and international students and professionals to study and work in the U.S.
Circus Smirkus
is a non-profit, award-winning international youth circus founded with a mission: to promote the skills, culture and traditions of the traveling circus and to inspire youth to engage in life-changing adventures in the circus arts.
affiliated high school diploma program incorporating hands-on job training for youth ages 17 to 21. The Employment & Training Center provides job training, counseling, and placement services to empower job seekers to obtain new skills and career opportunities, and help businesses meet workforce demands with talented employees.
What Kids Can Do (WKCD)
is a national nonprofit founded in 2001 by an educator and a journalist with more than 60 years combined experience supporting adolescent learning in and out of school. Using digital, print, and broadcast media, WKCD presses before the broadest audience possible a dual message: the power of what young people can accomplish when given the […]
Financial Resources and Discounts for Students With Disabilities
Helpful information on financial aid options, college scholarships, accommodations for college students with disabilities, as well as assistive technology, equipment and tools, etc. disabilities
Best-Trade-Schools, provide prospective students a hub for locating nearby schools and colleges, while researching specific details about the trades they’re considering. Rather than doing an extensive internet search, individuals can locate specific trades, industry details and the locations nearest them all in one convenient platform. alternatives
Scholarships for Students with Disabilities
This guide offers a comprehensive and valuable list of scholarship and grant programs. For each award, we’ve included important details, such as who can apply and how to make an application. Disabilities
California Library Science Degrees
California library science guides including scholarship listings, licensing and certification data for the state, comprehensive information on degree programs for universities in California, and career prospects for industry. Library Science